Tuesday, December 20, 2011

fevers, chills and it isn't even fright night

So yesterday I took my usual dosage; Lindsay had appointments she had to go to so I spent most of the day on the couch with a heating pad; couldn't get comfy or sleep. By the time she came back from her second appt I was already laying down with a terrible fever; I ached all over and everything hurt. I have been drinking lots of water, and taking ibprofen to combat the acheyness and fevers.
I am noticing more muscle weakness, and muscle tenderness; doesn't take much for my muscles to feel like they are burning (akin to when you work out really hard and your muscles strain)
I haven't had nausea (thank god) or diareah. but have been wicked gassy and had slight issues with feeling like I need to 'go' but can't or it takes awhile. (not to get too tmi)
I also am tired, but can't sleep!! >,< I am already an insomniac so not happy about this new development.
annoyed with the muscle weakness; it takes a few moments for me to open a bottle of water or jar.
The spot where I injected my first dose of interferon; I took the bandaid off yesterday and it has since swelled up large red about the size of a quarter and itched for a good few hours but hasn't seem to have gotten worse.
The feeling of chills with a fever isn't fun.
Day 3 now; fun fun
I am going to try to get to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that when you sleep, you are able to sleep for a good, consistent amount of time. I was thankful that Joani was able to give me rides so that way I could come back in between appointments and check in on you. I know treatment isn't easy, but I'm here for you!
