So the other day I had my start appt with Robin from the doc's office; she was very supportive and very no bull as well, which I appreciated. We went through step by step the three meds;
Pegasys Interferon; I take by injection (self >,<) once a week.
Riboviron; I take 3 pill in Morning and Night.
Incivik; I take 2 pills every 8 Hours; If I miss more than a dose; Treatment is done. And I can't take it again; it will make my Hep immune to it.
If I miss more than one dose of ANY of the meds; treatment is done; If I go to ER for sideeffects and they make me stop; treatment is done.
I have a little alarm clock they gave me with 5 alarms on it so I can take my meds when I am supposed to.
If I get a Heat to Toe SEVERE Rash and get bright red like a christmas light, I need to call them and stop the treament. :(
If I get SEVERE Fireareah (Dirareah but sooooo MUCH worse-it litterally burns you) I need to call them
I am scared.
I am nervous.
I don't want to be nauseous or REALLY sick.

So it is now 9:27 AM; I was able to get through sticking myself with the needle ok.;
Honestly feel wierd. My head feels funky and I am tired, and Wicked gassy; which I am hopeful that that doesn't turn into anything else! lol
Been drinking alot of water, and right now finishing off my fatty breakfast; Cream cheese bagel with chocolate millk, having just taken the Incivik and & Riboviron.
I don't feel so hot....
Almost like when you take a Benadryl but stay up or fight it even when it kicks in; that is sorta how I feel...